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    Grain Box

    granular synthesis

    Ixi Software Grain Box

    GrainBox is a two channel granular synthesis sound manipulator. It accepts mono sounds, which can be pitched, reverbed, triggered, panned, amplified, etc. according to various parametres controlled by the boxes. The idea was to try the 2 dimentional flat surface with boxes as parametre space for granular synthesis, rather than using sliders.


      Mac OS X Grain Box 0.1  Freeware    App Download Grain Box 0.1 Download    (4Mo)

    Freeware by Ixi Software

      AuroraAurora  MIDI - visual MIDI controler  macwindows
      connectorconnector  Experimental - Connector is a tool that functions as an algorithmic catalyst.  macwindows
      CrystalsCrystals  Experimental - create objects with attached sounds  macwindows
      GridGrid  Experimental - Grid-based strucure to control sounds  macwindows
      ixiQuarksixiQuarks  Experimental - software environment for live improvisation  mac
      LaukiLauki  Experimental - boxes triggering loops  macwindows
      LayersLayers  Experimental - layer up to 8 sounds  macwindows
      MicroMogMicroMog  Experimental - kind of arpegiator  macwindows
      micWorldmicWorld  Experimental - 3D objects control sound  macwindows
      pickerpicker  Experimental - Open Source Control interface  mac
      PolyMachinePolyMachine  Virtual Instruments - polyrhythm machine  mac
      slicerslicer  Experimental - create rhythms and textures from samples  macwindows
      SpinDrumSpinDrum  Experimental - rhythm machine  macwindows
      StockSynthStockSynth  Experimental - pile up layers of sounds  macwindows
      TrackerTracker  Sequencers - small sequencing tool  macwindows
      TreeTree  Experimental - place sounds on a tree structure  macwindows
      VirusesViruses  Experimental - viruses trigger sounds  macwindows

    Software Informations
    Ixi SoftwareIxi Software
    More Information:
    Grain BoxDeveloper's Page
    Mac OS X MacOS X
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