Our friends at Blue Cat Audio have today announced the release of Patchwork 2.1, including a host of new effects and presets for use in their modular rack and VST/AU hosting standalone work-space and plug-in for DAWs.
What’s New :
- Added 25 new built-in effects borrowed from from Blue Cat’s Late Replies: EQ, filters, pitch & frequency shifter, delays, modulation effects, compressor, gate, bit crusher, wave shaper and more.
- 75 New presets using built-in effects.
- The GUI can now be zoomed from 70% to 200%.
- New option to keep plug-ins windows always on top.
- Default preset now also saves the state of locks (when using “save as user default”).
- Load PatchWork into itself as a built-in effect.
- Fixed host keyboard shortcuts lost when a sub plug-in is opened (in several host applications).
- Fixed wrong number of channels used when hosted plug-in input set to manual and output to auto.
- Fixed sub-plug-ins automation overwritten when using touch mode in some hosts.
- VST2: fixed a crash in Wavelab.
- Mac: new installer.
- Mac: fixed minor compatibility issues with Mac OS High Sierra.
- Windows: fixed plug-in windows not showing on displays on the left or above the main display.