AIR Music Tech Strike 2 on ‘Drum Month’ promo


Strike 2 puts you in the producer’s chair, enabling you to create, control, and produce professional drum tracks with uncanny human realism. On promo for only $29 during our Drum Month.

Get Strike 2 for only $29 (List $129)

About AIR Music Tech Strike 2 :

With Strike, you can create professional drum tracks by choosing one of the high-definition kits and telling Strike how to play: Adjust the intensity, complexity, timing, groove, and dynamics of your drum track — all in real time. Strike also supports automation enabling you to program or record changes to any one of its parameters: Connect a MIDI controller to tweak your performance on the fly using knobs, sliders, and drum pads and then play it back to hear dynamic results.

Strike’s proprietary real-time performance engine eliminates the mechanized artifacts of typical sample-playback devices to deliver human results with unparalleled realism. The playing intensity can be increased to obtain a smooth dynamic response in the drum tone instead of audible velocity switches. With Strike, you can produce professional drum tracks that are impossible to create with conventional sampling technology.

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