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    rhythm machine

    Ixi Software SpinDrum

    The spindrum is a rhythm machine that can be used in such a general way that it is has nothing to do with rhythm anymore. It tries to explore non-conventional ways to sequence rhythms as well as to produce an interface that visually explains the underlying process.


      Windows XP SpinDrum 0.9.1  Freeware    App Download SpinDrum 0.9.1 Download   
      Mac OS X SpinDrum 0.9.1  Freeware    App Download SpinDrum 0.9.1 Download    (5Mo)
      Mac OS 9 SpinDrum 0.9b  Freeware    App Download SpinDrum 0.9b Download    (175 Ko)

    Freeware by Ixi Software

      AuroraAurora  MIDI - visual MIDI controler  macwindows
      connectorconnector  Experimental - Connector is a tool that functions as an algorithmic catalyst.  macwindows
      CrystalsCrystals  Experimental - create objects with attached sounds  macwindows
      Grain BoxGrain Box  Experimental - granular synthesis  mac
      GridGrid  Experimental - Grid-based strucure to control sounds  macwindows
      ixiQuarksixiQuarks  Experimental - software environment for live improvisation  mac
      LaukiLauki  Experimental - boxes triggering loops  macwindows
      LayersLayers  Experimental - layer up to 8 sounds  macwindows
      MicroMogMicroMog  Experimental - kind of arpegiator  macwindows
      micWorldmicWorld  Experimental - 3D objects control sound  macwindows
      pickerpicker  Experimental - Open Source Control interface  mac
      PolyMachinePolyMachine  Virtual Instruments - polyrhythm machine  mac
      slicerslicer  Experimental - create rhythms and textures from samples  macwindows
      StockSynthStockSynth  Experimental - pile up layers of sounds  macwindows
      TrackerTracker  Sequencers - small sequencing tool  macwindows
      TreeTree  Experimental - place sounds on a tree structure  macwindows
      VirusesViruses  Experimental - viruses trigger sounds  macwindows

    Software Informations
    Ixi SoftwareIxi Software
    More Information:
    SpinDrumDeveloper's Page
    Mac OS 9 MacOS 9
    Mac OS X MacOS X
    Windows XP Windows XP
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