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    virtual synth

    Krakli Software Vurtbox

    Vurtbox is the brainchild of Vurt.. a long time fan of krakli synths and master synthesist. vurt is famous for his synthetic soundscapes and rythmically driven ambient pieces, so it was only fitting that he conceived a synth quite unlike any other.. The sounds are suprising and the gui is bizarre! This release contains 32 presets from the man vurt himself and 16 from patch-meister Tim Conrardy and hopefully more to follow.. Please note that this synth is capable of consuming HIGH levels of CPU (if you find it too much check out the mini-vurtbox, also from Krakli), also note that in some cases the output can be very loud so take caution with your speaker levels..


      Windows XP Vurtbox 1.0  Freeware    VST Download Vurtbox 1.0 Download    (1.7Mo)

    Freeware by Krakli Software

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      etEquetetEquet  Virtual Instruments - string synth  windows
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      GargoyleGargoyle  Virtual Instruments - synth  windows
      HarmHarm  Virtual Instruments - Synth  windows
      K700K700  Virtual Instruments - Synth  windows
      Mini VurtboxMini Vurtbox  Virtual Instruments - virtual synth  windows
      MorphizaMorphiza  Virtual Instruments - organ  windows
      RMXLRMXL  Virtual Instruments - Synth  windows
      S3OS3O  Virtual Instruments - Virtual organ  windows
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      Super RingSuper Ring  Virtual Instruments - Polysynth  windows
      The LizardThe Lizard  Virtual Instruments - synth  windows
      XaKTXaKT  Virtual Instruments - Synth  windows
      YavaYava  Virtual Instruments - Synth  windows

    Software Informations
    Krakli SoftwareKrakli Software
    More Information:
    VurtboxDeveloper's Page
    Virtual InstrumentsVirtual Instruments
    Windows XP Windows XP
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