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    seven useful VST plug-ins

    Tobybear UtilBag

    UtilBag consists of several useful VST plugins:

    - Bitviewer is a little plugin that allows you to check the bit depth of the incoming audio stream, so you can see how much headroom you still have for processing and if you really need dithering.

    - DC Killer is a plugin that gets rid of the infamous DC offsets in your audio stream! 4 different algorithms are provided, all work quite well in eliminating the unwanted offset.

    - ChannelGrabber is a nifty little VST plugin that allows you to grab the incoming audio stream and save it as a WAV file. It does also include a gain control (with optional automatic adjustments) and a peak meter and full MIDI control.

    - Overloader is a plugin that makes a sound if the input goes above a certain level. Good for checking for high peaks on a certain track. You can even turn this into a generator for various beeps.

    - Kondor is a very powerful tool/plugin, and unique of its kind in the VST world: it does not make any sounds, but rather analyzes and displays all data received from the host. An indispensable tool for all VST plugin and host developers! You can even let Kondor "imitate" certain configurations on the plugin side to test how the host reacts!

    - MixBox is a powerful plugin that allows you to share and mix audio streams between different plugin instances or even applications!

    With 4 internal busses that are shared across each instance of the plugin, you can easily realize a submixer (with up to 5-channels) or stream the audio from one application/VST host to another.

    - P-Bugger is a simple plugin to show how drastic the Pentium 4 denormal bug can affect performance and how easy it is to fix. If you don't have a P4, then you can still use this plugin as a flexible bandpass filter :-)


      Windows XP UtilBag 1.0  Freeware    VST Download UtilBag 1.0 Download   

    Freeware by Tobybear

      BitviewerBitviewer  Plug-ins & effects - Audio Stream Bit Analyzer  mac
      CowDelayCowDelay  Plug-ins & effects - delay  mac
      DecimatorDecimator  Plug-ins & effects - Low-Fi effect  mac
      InsBagInsBag  Virtual Instruments - 4 VST instruments pack  windows
      MIDI Control CenterMIDI Control Center  MIDI - converts the input of various devices to MIDI-events  windows
      MidiBagMidiBag  Plug-ins & effects - 13 VST MIDI plugins  windows
      MiniHostMiniHost  Plug-Ins Hosts - VST host  windows
      SourceBagSourceBag  Plug-ins & effects - VST effects  windows

    Software Informations
    More Information:
    UtilBagDeveloper's Page
    Plug-ins & effectsPlug-ins & effects
    Windows XP Windows XP
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