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    Granular synthesizer

    Nicolas Fournel Granulator

    Granulator is a real-time, MIDI controllable, granular synthesizer.
    Granular synthesizers generate thousands of very short sonic grains to create audio textures.

    What are the parameters of Granulator ?
    Events section:
    - density: number of grains by time frame
    - duration: duration of the grain
    For high density and duration values, over one hundred grains can be playing at the same time. Playing over 100 voices simultaneously requires a lot of CPU resources. The CPU load is displayed as a percentage in the title bar of Granulator's window. This value is refreshed every second.

    Oscillator section:
    - pitch: pitch of the grain
    - offset: the starting point of the grain in the waveform
    - waveform: to select a new waveform, double-click on the graphic.

    Filter section:
    - cutoff: cutoff frequency of the filter
    - resonance: resonance of the filter
    This is a low pass filter with a 24dB/octave slope.

    Envelope section:
    - attack: the attack time of the envelope
    - release: the release time of the envelope
    To speed up the calculations, the envelope is trapezoidal. Although it would be nice to have other envelope shapes, this is usually sufficient for granular synthesis. If the attack and release parameters are both set to 0 the envelope has the shape of a pulse. If the attack and release parameters are both set to 127, the envelope has a triangular shape.

    Amplifier section:
    - amplitude: amplitude of the grains
    - pan: position of the grains in the stereo field

    Delay section:
    - length: the duration of the delay
    - feedback: the feedback of the delay


      Windows XP Granulator 1.1  Freeware    App Download Granulator 1.1 Download    (45 Ko)

    Freeware by Nicolas Fournel

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    Software Informations
    Nicolas FournelNicolas Fournel
    More Information:
    GranulatorDeveloper's Page
    Virtual InstrumentsVirtual Instruments
    Windows XP Windows XP
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