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    probability step sequenced gate

    De la Mancha gator

    Gator creates a random gating effect, triggering volume between 2 adjustable values by a tempo-sync'd probability-based step sequencer. An LFO can modulate the volume when triggered and trigger pulse length, attack and release can shape the sound.

    Features :

    - Tempo-sync step sequencer, with 2 to 32 steps over a sequence length of 2 to 32 beats.
    - Can be programmed or random, by setting the probability of each step from 0-100%.
    - Seeded randomisation for repeatable loops up to 100 beats long.
    - Volume triggered between upper and lower cut-off values, in either direction.
    - Tempo sync LFO, with 6 waveforms and settings from 1/16 beat to 96 beats.
    - Adjustable pulse length, attack and decay for shaping the modulation.
    - Random swing for step sequencer.
    - Wet/dry mix control.
    - MIDI CC and MIDI learn.


      Windows XP gator 2.0  Freeware    VST Download gator 2.0 Download    (1.6Mo)

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    Software Informations
    De la ManchaDe la Mancha
    More Information:
    gatorDeveloper's Page
    Plug-ins & effectsPlug-ins & effects
    Windows XP Windows XP
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