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    pitch correction

    Oli Larkin Autotalent

    This is a VST/AU port of Tom Baran's open source pitch correction LADSPA plug-in. All credit goes to Tom for the algorithm. At the moment it is designed to be used on a mono track, if used on a stereo track, the left channel will be copied to the right.

    Autotalent is the result of a week of recreational signal processing in May 2009. It's a real-time pitch correction plugin. You specify the notes that a singer is allowed to hit, and Autotalent makes sure that they do. You can also use Autotalent for more exotic (Cher / T-Pain) effects. It also can be used as a pitch shifter or for faux vocal doubling.


      Windows XP Autotalent 0.1beta  Freeware    VST Download Autotalent 0.1beta Download   
      Mac Universal Binary Autotalent 0.1beta  Freeware    AU, VST Download Autotalent 0.1beta Download   

    Freeware by Oli Larkin

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    Software Informations
    Oli LarkinOli Larkin
    More Information:
    AutotalentDeveloper's Page
    Plug-ins & effectsPlug-ins & effects
    Mac Universal Binary MacOS X UB
    Windows XP Windows XP
    AU VST
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