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    Granular synthesizer - sequencer - visuals generator

    Chris Jeffs software Particularity

    Particularity is a real-time granular synthesis system, along with a sequencer for some of the parameters, combined with a generator of animated visuals. There can be as many as 8 synthesis processes at any one time, and one "picture" window. Using this program alone, a whole audio-visual piece can be created and performed.

    - explore 3 types of granular synthesis, with grains made from the harmonics mixer, a drawn waveform or loaded sample.
    - use generated or drawn amplitude or frequency envelopes.
    - parameter sequencer lets you draw looping envelopes for many of the parameters: 6 per channel.
    - live mixer offers controls for volume, panning and frequency for both individual channels and the entire setup.
    - whole setups, including synthesis and sequencing, can be saved in slots and recalled under MIDI control.
    - create visual animations based on the sequenced parameters, plotting them in 2D space with user-definable shapes, colours and sizes.
    - most parameters can be controlled using "learned" MIDI CC messages.
    - Released under the GPL and available for no cost.

    In June 2010, Particularity was named joint winner of the LoMus open-source music software competition organised every two years by the Association Française d'Informatique Musicale.


      Mac Intel Particularity 1.01  Freeware    App Download Particularity 1.01 Download    (7.6Mo)

    Software Informations
    Chris Jeffs softwareChris Jeffs software
    More Information:
    ParticularityDeveloper's Page
    Mac Intel MacOS X Intel
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