Agentbeats by Mikkel Bertelsen
music generator
App |
Al & Erwin by Rajmil Fischman
algorithmic music
DX |
Amazing Maze by Karlheinz Essl
interactive realtime composition for sampled sound particles
App |
Amber-X by Waveform Software
granular synthesis
App |
AntiLoop7 by Estate Sound
Beat Generation
App |
Argeiphontes Lyre by Akira Rabelais
A set of audio, video and text filters and generators
App |
ARGO by Gerard Paresys
Sound synthesis
App |
AthenaCL by Flexatone h.f.p.
Music analysis and algorithmic composition
App |
Bidule by Plogue
Virtual Modular Studio
App |
Cecilia by Cecilia
Graphic user interface for CSound
App |
ChucK by ChucK
Strongly-timed, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language
App |
connector by Ixi Software
Connector is a tool that functions as an algorithmic catalyst.
App |
Cosmos by SonicLAB
Stochastic Sound Synthesis application
App |
CPS by Bonneville
realtime interactive programming environment
App |
Crystals by Ixi Software
create objects with attached sounds
App |
Csound by Csound
sound rendering and signal processing programming language
App |
DarkWave Studio by ExperimentalScene
modular virtual studio
App |
DensityLITE by Alessandro Petrolati
Granular Synthesis
App |
drool string ukelele by Twerk
algorithmic randomized sequencer
App |
Expresseur by Expresseur
Instrument assisted by computer for live performance
App |
FontanaMixer by Karlheinz Essl
generative sound environment
App |
FractMus by Gustavo Diaz-Jerez
computer aided music
App |
FScape by Sciss
Nonrealtime Audio Transformations
App |
Gimmick by Ju-X Designs
AU |
Gleetchlab by GleetchPlug
Sound design and glitch music authoring suite
App |
Grain Box by Ixi Software
granular synthesis
App |
GrainPlayer by Alessio Mellina
Granular synthesis
App |
granuluf by Echotone
live performance software
App |
Grid by Ixi Software
Grid-based strucure to control sounds
App |
HourGlass by Xenakios
Granular synthesis
App |
Iannix by Iannix
graphical sequencer of 2d/3d audiovisual events
App |
Impromptu by Andrew Sorensen
programming environment for composers, sound artists, VJ's and graphic artists
App |
ixiQuarks by Ixi Software
software environment for live improvisation
App |
Jade by Electrotap
environment for composition and performance
App |
jMax by Ircam
A visual programming environment for interactive real-time music applications.
App |
Jupiter FM by Lewis Keller
FM synthesis and modulation
App |
Kangas Sound Editor by KangaSound
Sound and music creation
App |
Kangas Sound Editor QI by KangaSound
Sound and music creation
App |
Kapling by Sineqube
physical modeling synthesizer
App |
Lauki by Ixi Software
boxes triggering loops
App |
Layers by Ixi Software
layer up to 8 sounds
App |
LEMu by Lemu
live electronic music software
App |
Lexikon-Sonate by Karlheinz Essl
algorithmic music generator
App |
LNX Studio by LNX Studio
Virtual music studio
App |
MacBard by Judebear Software
Random chords generator
App |
MacCsound by Matt Ingalls
Standalone Csound front end for OSX
App |
Maestro Frankenstein by Arvid Tomayko-Peters
Create music from geologic or other timeseries data
App |
Mammut by Mammut
spectral analysis and sound design
App |
Marsyas by Marsyas
Music Analysis, Retrieval and Synthesis for Audio Signals
App |
Matriosity by Waveform Software
serial matrix creation tool
App |
Max for Live by Cycling '74
Max/MSP integrated into Ableton Live
App |
MicroMog by Ixi Software
kind of arpegiator
App |
micWorld by Ixi Software
3D objects control sound
App |
miniAudicle by ChucK
integrated ChucK development environment + virtual machine
App |
Miraton by GarageCube
live audio tool
App |
Mixere by Mixere
live audio mixing
App |
Nodal by Peter Mcilwain
Generative music
App |
nodegrain by Lewis Keller
granular sampler
App |
oxAdditiveWork by Flexatone h.f.p.
additive synthesizer
App |
Particularity by Chris Jeffs software
Granular synthesizer - sequencer - visuals generator
App |
picker by Ixi Software
Open Source Control interface
App |
Praat by Praat
doing phonetics by computer
App |
Pure Data by Pure Data
real-time graphical programming environment for audio
App |
Visual Programming Language
App |
Pyper by Andy Szybalski
musical development environment for Python
App |
R0b0.coder by Alessio Mellina
Multi-effect processor
App |
RandomMusicMachine by Alessio Mellina
Random melodies generator
App |
ratio rhythms by Lewis Keller
polyrhythmic pulses
App |
Sandbox by Sineqube
modulates 2 audio files
App |
Sapling by Sineqube
real-time audio file remixing, with randomization features
App |
Scala by Scala
musical scales experimentation tool
App |
Seelewaschen by Karlheinz Essl
generative sound environment
App |
slicer by Ixi Software
create rhythms and textures from samples
App |
Slycer by Sineqube
Manipulate Audio Pitch & Time in Real-time
App |
Sonasphere by Nao Tokui
3D music application
App |
Sound Grain by Sound Grain
Granular synthesis
App |
Spectacular by Spectacular Software
spectral audio composition environment
App |
SpinDrum by Ixi Software
rhythm machine
App |
Square One by Podcollective
An Interactive Song
App |
Stochos by SonicLAB
Stochastic event generator based on Xenakis's algorithms
App, VST |
StockSynth by Ixi Software
pile up layers of sounds
App |
Supercollider by SuperCollider
Real time audio synthesis programming language
App |
tapestrea (taps) by TAPESTREA
framework for interactively analyzing, transforming and synthesizing complex sounds
App |
Texture by Giorgio Nottoli
Granular Synthesis
Tree by Ixi Software
place sounds on a tree structure
App |
tune into jupiter by Lewis Keller
listen to radio programs from jupiter
App |
Universal Music Machine by The Universal Music Machine
algorithmic composition utility
App |
Usine by Sensomusic
live-oriented audio software
App, VST |
Viruses by Ixi Software
viruses trigger sounds
App |
Wind Machine by Fexia
Generative Sound Software
App |