INA/GRM has just released their latest product which is an incredible new set of tools for those persons who work with Multi-channel projects and even for those of you working in stereo who want to add some ‘never been heard before’ effects into their mixes.
Spaces is a brand new “GRM Tools” bundle that contains 3 multi-channel plug-ins that let you take control of how your sound sources move through the sound field whether it is a simple stereo file, a multi-channel setup or a multi-speaker diffusion network. It gives you the control over where you want to locate your sound and/or where you want it to travel to.
It gives an unprecedented control of the sound field with total automation of positions and trajectories as well as being able to spatialise your signal by up to 4 independent frequency bands with the module SpaceFilter or even enables the generation of up to 100 grains of spatial positions you can make your sounds hop to randomly with the module SpaceGrain.
GRM Tools’s Spaces is a powerful tool that enables the positioning and movement of a multichannel source (from 1 to 32 channels) in a multichannel space (from 2 (stereo) to 32 channels). It has a user friendly graphic interface showing the location and intensity of the sources as they move through the aural space of a project to help you in your work.
Spaces is immediately available on the DontCrack store at the price of $199 (MSRP $249).
The entire INA/GRM product range has new lower pricing on the DontCrack Store!