Eventide release Fission

Eventide has always been THE leading innovator in the professional audio world and their latest product Fission is another revolutionary plug-in. Fission is the first plug-in to use their ground-breaking Structural Effects technology – A spectacular new method for processing audio.

Imagine this, it allows you to split a sound into its transient and tonal parts, independently manipulate them using Eventide’s world-class effects and then fuse them back together. With the ability to add effects and dynamic controls to the transient and tonal sections, you can produce a wide range of effects, from the subtle to the extreme.

Structural Effects technology is different because it works in a fundamentally new and different way. It’s not an EQ or compressor or limiter or transient shaper, per se. It’s a a method for precisely deconstructing sound by using what can be described as a sonic “sieve” in the sense that the audio is “filtered” not by frequency but rather the audio is “filtered” based on “shapes”.

Applications for the cutting-edge Eventide Fission include:

  • Sound Design
  • Drum Tuning
  • Vocals manipulation and Articulation
  • Transient Shaping
  • Audio Restoration
  • Loop Mangling

Get Fission for the $97 special introductory price (MSRP $179) until the 17th of April here at the DontCrack Store.

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