Eventide has decided to put Fission on an “Upside Down Sale” at the very low price of $69 until the 30th of November. It is their first plug-in to use the ground-breaking Structural Effects technology – A new method for processing audio.
It allows you to split a sound into its transient and tonal parts, independently manipulate them using Eventide’s world-class effects and then fuse them back together. With the ability to add effects and dynamic controls to the transient and tonal sections, you can produce a wide range of effects, from the subtle to the extreme.
Eventide’s patent-pending technology, Structural Effects, does something new. It separates a sound into its transient (impact/unpredictable/jagged) and tonal (sustaining/stable/smooth) parts more effectively and accurately than previous methods. Take, for example, a snare drum. We perceive the smack of the stick hitting the drum head and the resulting snare sizzle as the “transient” part of the sound. The ringing of of the body of the snare is perceived as “tonal.” Our new method employs a technique which can be broadly classified as morphological component analysis to cleanly separate these “sonic shapes.”
Don’t miss out on this great chance to pick up one of Eventide’s most innovative product at a “No Brainer” price of $69 (list $179), a savings of $110!
Features :
- Split audio into “Transient” and “Tonal” components.
- Radically re-shape a sound by soloing the Tonal and Transient channels. Tighten up drums by dropping the tonal section, or tune a guitar into an ambient sweep by losing the transients.
- Split, modify and reassemble any sound.
- Fine-tune the split using the four “Structural Split” controls.
- Six Transient effects available: Delay, Tap Delay, Dynamics, Phaser, Reverb, Gate + EQ.
- Seven Tonal effects available: Delay, Compressor, Pitch, Chorus, Reverb, Tremolo, EQ.
- Waveform display for clear tracking of Transient/Tonal audio in real time.
- Artists presets include Richard Devine, Chris Carter, Suzanne Ciani, Joe Chiccarelli, John Agnello, Stewart Lerman, Steve Rosenthal, Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith and more.
Please note that Eventide Fission uses PACE’s iLok licensing system, with or without and iLok hardware dongle, to license plug-in products.