MSpectralDynamics: A true revolution in audio processing. It can flatten the spectrum, prevent collisions between tracks, remove noise, and open up a myriad of new creative possibilities.
MRhythmizer: From gating to glitching, repeating hits to scratching, all with stunning audio quality, that’s MRhythmizer, a unique time manipulation effect that uses an integrated sequencer to control time, volume and filters. MRhythmizer brings your music to life, say goodbye to boring audio performances!
MDynamicEq:Equalizing is probably the most important task when mixing, so you should get the best tool available! MDynamicEq, the little brother of MAutoDynamicEq, is an unbelievably transparent and musical sounding equalizer with a gorgeous interface stuffed with amazing features. It pushes the technology forward by introducing dynamic processing!
MFlangerMB: Flangers are tools with a specific character and are indispensable for guitars, and a wide range of other instruments. MFlangerMB is the top class representative, which will beat every other flanger on the market in terms of both audio quality and features.