Efektor CH3604 Chorus, FL3606 Flanger, PH3605 Phaser and TR3604 Tremolo have been updated to v1.1.0.
- Breaking update: onBypass, chorusType / flangerType / phaserType / tremoloType, rateSync, stereo, and sync parameter automation behaviors changed : old DAW projects saved from the previous version will have unexpected parameter automation results.
However, projects saved without onBypass, chorusType / flangerType / phaserType / tremoloType, rateSync, stereo, and/or sync parameters automation are safe.
- All 32-bit plug-in formats are dropped.
- New installer format.
- New file folders path for EULA and user manual.
- MacOS: New presets folder path.
- MacOS: Catalina support.
- License registration fails bug: fixed.
- Modulation timing is reset after bypass.