The Bitley Big Pack Refill Collection

Bitley™ announces a new web site and a new Reason 4 ReFill collection containing the Fairlight CMI Legacy, Fairlight CMI Supremacy, Orlando JX10 and De Light refills in one package for $89 – this being a $31 saving compared to buying the individual ReFills.

The refill pack includes over 1,100 instrument sounds and over 1 Gb of samples. All sounds & samples are handcraftedly edited and carefully programmed by Patrick Fridh Aka Bitley™, one of the most seasoned Reason programmers having used Reason since release 1.0. The refill collection includes the entire Fairlight library with all Fairlight CMI preset sounds as well as hundreds of unique sounds from various synthesizers including Roland JX8P, Roland JX10, Yamaha DX7, Yamaha DX7II, Yamaha DX100, V-Synth, Casio VZ-1 and more. The library also includes hundreds of drum sounds from drum machines like Korg DDD1, Sequential Tom, LinnDrum and three of the most interesting TR drum machines; the 707, the 808 and the 909.

The refill package sells for $89 and is distributed as a download. It can also be delivered on DVD worldwide for the same amount including postage should customers prefer this.


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