Celemony has made available on the Internet a revised and expanded range of videos dealing with Melodyne.
From www.celemony.com Melodyne users can now learn everything worth knowing about Melodyne editor and Melodyne essential in ease and comfort. There are also new films in Celemony’s ‘Artists’ series, in which prominent users discuss their work with Melodyne.
“We know no one likes reading manuals,” says Uwe G. Hoenig, Melodyne’s Product Manager, who is responsible for documentation, “which is why we’ve simply filmed the entire content of the manuals. We are very satisfied with the results, as the films make it far easier to understand functions and the contexts in which they are used.” The total running time of the numerous English-language Video Tours comes to over three hours. They are clearly arranged in terms of content with sensible links between them. They make it possible for anyone to familiarize themselves swiftly and in a targeted manner with Melodyne and its functions.
From the new films in Celemony’s ‘Artists’ series, visitors can find out first-hand how Melodyne is used in day-to-day professional music production and why it is so highly valued. You can hear from high-caliber songwriters and producers including Mischke (Michael Jackson, JLo), Ali Staton (Madonna), Steve Williams (Sting, Seal) amongst others. If further proof was needed that in the sacred halls of contemporary music production Melodyne has made itself indispensable, these personalities’ statements provide it.
Additional Melodyne videos are available from third-party suppliers: DAW and effects professional Eli Krantzberg is offering a comprehensive collection of English-language tutorials (http://www.groove3.com/str/melodyne-explained.html) and at MacProVideo you can find a video course by Melodyne specialist David Andris (http://www.macprovideo.com/tutorial/melodyne101). A charge is made in each case for this material but you can watch a certain number of films free of charge.
For further information in the form of images, films and texts, visit: www.celemony.com