Our partner Puremix have been very busy producing lots of new tutorials that are fantastic for gaining new tips and tricks to add to your recording and mixing techniques. Improve your skills with these tutorials done by the leading sound engineers who worked on the hits you are listening to everyday.
Many of you when picking up a plug-in at DontCrack have got in the habit of getting up a Puremix tutorial or two to benefit from our ‘Quantity Discount’. It’s a great way of getting the minimum price and maximum ‘use’ from knowing exactly how to manipulate your new plug-in(s) based on the advice of experts.
The latest Puremix Tutorials:
This is your chance to see how Grammy-winning engineer/producer Andrew Scheps mixed the legendary rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers’ song Pink as Floyd.
In this full-length mixing tutorial, Grammy winner Darrell Thorp teaches you all of the tricks and techniques he uses to help enhance dream-pop indie rockers Future Elevators from a creative and raw production to a finished and exciting mix.
Brazilian Girls are a funky and eccentric dance music group from NYC and in this full-length mixing tutorial Grammy winner Carlos “El Loco” Bedoya mixes their single “The Critic” from start to finish.
Grammy Award winner Ryan Hewitt walks you through his ingenious mixing template, showing you how he sets up every session to work with his unique hybrid mixing workflow that allows him to mix quickly and get incredible results every time.
Learn how Grammy winner Ryan Hewitt mixes the pop-punk superstars Blink 182. Building on the foundation and starting point from Ryan’s Mixing Template Tutorial, in this tutorial Ryan walks you through his mixing process step by step revealing his techniques and workflow for creating a killer mix.
Andrew Scheps teaches you what is happening to your audio when it distorts and how to use that knowledge to your advantage. See how Andrew uses distortion to create interesting sounds and make elements sit into, or jump out of a mix.