A rare Zynaptiq WORMHOLE Promo


Zynaptiq’s incredible WORMHOLE is almost never on promo. Here is you chance to get it for only $89!


WORMHOLE is an indispensable multi-effects powerhouse for sound designers, music producers and film composers alike. Combining ultra-clean pitch/frequency shifting, eccentric spectral warping, dual lush reverbs, and unique dry/wet morphing.

It consists of 5 highly synergistic processing modules: the spectral WARP, the pitch/frequency SHIFT, the dual random modulated hall REVERB, a nifty little DELAY, and the dry/wet morphing FX BLEND sections. In combination with a flexible signal path, this makes WORMHOLE an ultra-fast and easy-to-use, high-end multieffects processor, that covers the full range from the subtle to the (very) extreme. Whether you’re a sound designer, music producer or ambient artist, WORMHOLE is for you.

WORMHOLE delivers sounds so unearthly you’ll swear they’re from a parallel universe.


  • High-quality multieffects processing ranging from the sublime to the extreme.
  • WARP spectral inversion & warping module.
  • SHIFT unique topology combined pitch-/frequency-shifting module with SMOOTH.
  • TIGHT and two DETUNE modes.
  • Dual lush randomized hall reverbs.
  • Unique dry/wet morphing.
  • Very wide +- 4 octaves pitch-shift and +-4000Hz frequency shift range, fully aliasing free, with 96dB/oct (!!) carrier and side-band attenuation.

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