Melda Production’s Eternal Madness Discounts


This week MTurboReverbLE, MTransformer, MRotary and MRingModulatorMB are on promo at 50% off !

About the products on sale :

Ring-modulators are quite specialized effects used especially on non-harmonic audio materials, such as drums. MMultiBandRingModulator is a very advanced ring-modulation effect, which is due to its multiband nature highly suitable for many types of audio.

MTurboReverbLE doesn’t let you access the multiband version or the Edit screen, so you cannot design your own reverbs or modify the existing ones. But it still contains about a hundred of great sounding reverbs for a price anyone can afford.

Pitch shifting, frequency shifting, daemonic and robotic voices… that’s MTransformer, a unique spectral processor that lets you transform any frequency to any other, transform their levels.

MRotary is the ultimate rotary simulator, which can deliver not only the great vintage sound, but also futuristic algorithmic sound featuring up to 6 speakers at once. You can design your own cabinet using any material from wood to glass, process the rotary signal using fully featured dynamic equalizer and much more.

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