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    additive synthesis tool

    Nicolas Fournel AudioPaint

    AudioPaint generates sounds from pictures. The program can read JPEG, GIF and BMP files and translates each pixel position and color into frequency, amplitude and pan information.

    How does it work ?
    The picture corresponds to a big frequency / time grid. Each pixel of the picture is analyzed and drives an oscillator. The vertical position of the pixel determines its frequency, while its horizontal position corresponds to time. The color of the pixel is used to determine its pan. By default, the red component controls the amplitude of the left channel, while the green component corresponds to the right channel (the brighter the colour, the louder the sound). By default, the blue component is not used, but the routing can be modified by the user.
    The other parameters available are:
    - waveform: the waveform used by the oscillators (can be a sine wave or any sample file)
    duration: the total duration of the sound to be generated.
    - frequency scale: the scale (linear or exponential) used to determine the frequencies of the pixels.
    - min frequency: the frequency of a pixel at the bottom of the picture.
    - max frequency: the frequency of a pixel at the top of the picture.
    - interpolation: the type of interpolation (none, linear or quadratic) used to go from the amplitude of a pixel to the amplitude of its neighbour.


      Windows XP AudioPaint 1.3  Freeware    App Download AudioPaint 1.3 Download    (643 Ko)

    Freeware by Nicolas Fournel

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    Software Informations
    Nicolas FournelNicolas Fournel
    More Information:
    AudioPaintDeveloper's Page
    Virtual InstrumentsVirtual Instruments
    Windows XP Windows XP
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